Sound Transit construction update

Written by jrood

Port of Seattle contractors recently successfully installed the pedestrian bridge that connects the new airport Link light rail station with the airport parking garage. Traffic was temporarily detoured. The bridgework was a significant step in the construction of the SeaTac/Airport light rail station. Overall, work is coming along well and passenger service to the new station will begin in December. Once that extension is made, passenger will be able to ride a Link train from the airport all the way to downtown Seattle.

At the same time, work is
also continuing on the extension of light rail from downtown Seattle to Capitol
Hill and the University of Washington.

At the most recent Sound
Transit Board meeting, the board ratified the chief executive officer’s finding
of the existence of an emergency in connection with the discovery of subsurface
voids above the Beacon Hill tunnels. Additionally, the board ratified the
actions taken by Sound Transit staff directing both Shannon and Wilson, Inc.,
and Hatch Mott MacDonald/Jacobs Engineering JV to perform specific tasks associated
with the investigation into the existence and extent of subsurface voids, and
the remedial work necessary to fill voids and compact loosened zones in
specific areas above the Beacon Hill tunnels. The board authorized the chief
executive officer to increase the contingency in the contract with Shannon
& Wilson to provide continuing geotechnical support services for the Beacon
Hill Station and Tunnels Contract in the amount of $1,700,000, for a new total
authorized contract amount not to exceed $16,268,581 and to increase the
contract with Hatch Mott MacDonald/Jacobs to provide continuing civil engineering
design support services for the Beacon Hill Station and Tunnels Contract in the
amount of $125,000, for a new total authorized contract amount not to exceed
