CAHSR releases Draft Supplemental Environmental report

The California High-Speed Rail Authority (CAHSR) has taken a step forward in its work on the Central Valley Wye portion of the Merced-to-Fresno section of the system with its release of a

California sells $600 million in bonds to fund high-speed rail

California sold $600 million in bonds to fund the California high-speed rail project on March 26, as part of a wider $843 million bond sale.

FRA pulls funding plug on California HSR

For all intents and purposes, California’s high-speed rail project is dead. At least that’s the consensus among several observers of the U.S. high-speed rail scene, which, sadly, appears to be based more

California governor nixes SF-LA high-speed train

Gov. Gavin Newsom, citing budget pressures, says the state will not move forward with plans to connect Los Angeles to San Francisco by a high-speed rail link.

Michael Baker hires rail vets for California practice

Michael Baker International, an engineering and design consultant, has hired two well-known veterans of the California high-speed rail scene to help build its business in the West. Thomas Post, P.E., will serve

CHSRA names Lipkin Northern California regional director

The California High-Speed Rail Authority (CHSRA) has appointed Boris Lipkin as the Northern California regional director.