Rapid Transit/Light Rail

WATCH: Six-week MAX disruption begins Sunday as TriMet takes leap toward completing major Better Red milestone

Portland, Ore.––Construction on TriMet’s A Better Red MAX Extension and Reliability Improvements Project will close the Gateway Transit Center to MAX trains for six weeks starting Sunday, Jan. 14. With the MAX Blue, Green and Red lines impacted, shuttle buses will serve closed stations through the end of the disruption on Feb. 25. TriMet will also use this opportunity to perform reliability improvements to the MAX system along Interstate 84 and just east of the transit center.

Railway Age/RT&S 2023 LRT Conference Roundup

Plans for light rail technology and expansion of existing rail systems dominated a conference with a New Jersey flavor, held in Jersey City and sponsored by Railway Age and its sibling publication Railway Track & Structures (RT&S). The conference took place on Wednesday, November 15 and Thursday morning, November 16, and concluded that afternoon with a tour of New Jersey Transit Hudson-Bergen Light Rail Transit (HBLRT), which now operates in Hudson County with plans to expand northward into Bergen County.