AARC Wasilla Passenger Stop Relocated

Written by Jennifer McLawhorn, Managing Editor
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Courtesy of The Alaska Railroad

WASILLA, Alaska – The Alaska Railroad is relocating a passenger stop from 415 East Railroad Avenue to 1105 East Depot Road.

On January 4th, the Alaska Railroad Corporation (AARC) Wasilla passenger stop will be relocated to 1105 East Depot Road in Wasilla. According to a press release from Alaska Railroad, Wasilla’s passenger rail stop relocation is less than ¾ mile from its current location at 415 East Railroad Avenue. This relocation will help to improve the flow of traffic at a Mat-Su intersection. This new location, according to the report, “is located near the Greater Wasilla Chamber of Commerce” and is “anticipated to improve traffic flow at the rail crossing, with the new stop sufficiently distanced from the intersection that a stopped train does not require activation of the crossing signals.”

In addition, the rail stop will be complete with a wheelchair lift onsite along with safety signs and barricades in place. On January 3rd, the AARC will decommission the 415 East Depot Road stop and will install signs directing passengers to the new location. “The Alaska Railroad is a state-owned corporation providing year-round inter-city public rail transportation and freight service from Seward to Anchorage to Fairbanks. Moving over 450,000 passengers and 3.7 million tons of freight annually – safety is at the core of its operations.”

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