Panama City Port Authority Completes Track Upgrades

Written by Jennifer McLawhorn, Managing Editor
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PANAMA CITY, Fla. – Port officials have made upgrades to rail infrastructure that runs in and out of an old paper mill property.

Florida news station reported that port officials have made upgrades to the rail infrastructure that runs in and out of a paper mill property. Crossing Business 98 at St. John Street, they connect the Bay Line Terminal to the old property and “are crucial for moving cargo” in and out of the area.

Executive Director for Port Authority, Alex King, commented that the financial means to complete the upgrades came from “state funding as a match” and that it has “gone through and basically removed all of the old rail infrastructure and subgrade and put all new rail infrastructure in. . . To ensure that we have a high capacity modern safe freight rail corridor between the Bay Line and the Port Authority for the import and export of goods that are traveling by rail.”

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