Rail crossing upgrades approved in Seneca, Ohio

Written by jrood

February 14, 2001 The Public Utilities Commission of Ohio approved construction authorization from the Ohio Rail Development Commission directing Norfolk Southern to upgrade a railroad crossing Seneca County, the Advertiser Tribune reports. Norfolk Southern will install mast-mounted flashing lights and roadway gates at the Reedtown Road/TR 126 grade crossing.

Norfolk Southern must
submit site plans and cost estimates for the project to PUCO by Nov. 2. Funding
for this upgrade will be provided through federal funds and the railroad will
be responsible for completing construction of the upgrade by Aug. 4, 2011.

To increase public safety
during the construction of this upgrade, PUCO is to assist the local government
with the cost of improvements such as rumble strips, illumination, improved
signage, or other safety enhancements at the project location.

Funding for this
improvement will come from the State Grade Crossing Safety Fund, and will not
exceed $5,000.
