LCCAS and Track Safety: AREMA 2023 Annual Conference Maintenance-of-Way Technical Session

Written by Jennifer McLawhorn, Managing Editor
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AREMA 2023 Annual Conference Maintenance-of-Way Technical Session

INDIANAPOLIS – Piper Networks CEO Robert Hanczor presented “Innovative MOW Safety Solutions: How Using Multi-sensor Limits Compliance and Collision Avoidance Systems Can Improve Track Safety.”

Piper Networks CEO Robert Hanczor presented “Innovative MOW Safety Solutions: How Using Multi-sensor Limits Compliance and Collision Avoidance Systems Can Improve Track Safety” in Sagamore 3 on Wednesday, October 4th

The session details the observations made for “a system with a small footprint which can deliver basic Automatic Train Protection (ATP) functionality for railbound vehicles.” For the purpose of making track safety improvements, the system of technologies connects assets to one another via a “vehicle-centric approach.” The technical session delves into how agencies are starting to utilize LCCAS, or Limits Compliance and Collision Avoidance Systems, in order to get real-time data for MoW equipment and “integrate MoW operations into their dispatching platform.”

The Maintenance-of-Way technical session was well-attended, especially considering that Sagamore 3 was essentially the entire Sagamore ballroom. It makes sense; track safety continues to be a hot topic of discussion at this conference, particularly with exhibitors all showcasing their latest and greatest in track safety and maintenance. 

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